Indonesian Cuisine

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tempe and Tofu Bacem

Tempe and tofu bacem
ingredients: 300 grams tempe and tofu, 5 tr pecan, 3 cloves of garlic, red onion 4 cloves, 1 tablespoon coriander, 1 / 4 teaspoon cumin, tamarind 3 pieces, 5 bay leaves.
100 grams of brown sugar. 2 cups water. Blend all seasoning ingredients except the bay leaves, tamarind.
how to: prepare a pot, arrange tempe and tofu, put spices, sugar, acid, water, boil until the water runs out. Fried tempe and Tofu with hot oil.

Ayam Panggang Kuah Cuka

Setengah potong ayam

1 sendok makan jus asam
1 sendok makan kecap manis
1/2 sendok teh garam
250 ml air putih

3 sendok teh bawang merah
1 sendok teh bawang putih
2 sendok teh cabai merah
1/2 sendok teh gula merah
1/2 sendok teh garam
2 sendok makan minyak goreng
250 ml air putih
10 paprika
1 sendok makan irisan bawang merah
50 gram irisan tomat
2 sendok makan cuka

# Dalam mangkuk, campurkan kecap manis, air asam, garam, dan air. tambahkan ayam untuk dibumbui sekitar 15 menit.
Pindahkan ayam dan semua bumbu dalam wajan dan didihkan dengan api sedang. Didihkan sampai ayam lembut dan kemudian tiriskan.
Panggang ayam , atur di piring saji dan sajikan dengan saus.
Untuk membuat saus: campuran semua bahan (a) ke dalam pasta. Taruh minyak dalam wajan, tumis pasta hingga harum. Tuang air, didihkan hingga kental. Tambahkan cuka, Paprika, bawang, dan tomat. Aduk rata, tiriskan dan sajikan.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ayam kremes

1 (+- 700 gram ) setengah potong ayam
2 daun salam
500 ml air

1 telur ayam
5 sendok teh tepung tapioka

1 sendok teh iris bawah merah
1 sendok teh iris bawang putih
1 sendok makan irisan jahe
1 sendokm makan kunyit
1 sendok makan lengkuas
1/2 sendok makan ketumbar
5 butir kemiri

2 sendok teh iris bawah merah
1 sendok teh terasi
2 sendok teh irisan cabai merah
50 gram tomat
1/2 sendok makan garam
2 sedok teh minyak goreng



# Campuran semua bahan a) kedalam pasta
# Letakkan air dalam panci, tambahkan porsi ayam dan setengah pasta dan daun salam, didihkan sampai ayam menjadi lembut
Panaskan minyak dalam wajan, deep-goreng ayam, Pada saat yang sama, campuran pasta yang tersisa dengan tepung tapioka dan telur. Tuang ke dalam ayam digoreng sampai adonan menjadi renyah.
Dimasukkan ke dalam piring saji, sajikan dengan sambal dan hiasi dengan sayuran mentah
Untuk membuat sambal: semua bahan campuran dalam b) ke dalam pasta. Masukkan minyak dalam wajan dan tumis sampai pasta matang.

chicken soup mataram style

1 chicken (+_ 750 g), cut into small pieces
25 tamarind leaves
2 tbsp oil
1000 ml water

2 tbsp sliced garlic
2 tbsp sliced shallots
7 candlenuts
1 tbsp coriander
1 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp salt

# Blend all the ingredients in a) into a paste. Put oil in a pan, saute the paste over medium heat until fragant and add chicken, stir until done.
# Pour water, stir thoroughly. Add tamarind leaves and continue stirring. Turn off the heat.
# Transfer to a serving dish and serve once.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Chicken Cooked with Green chilies

1. whole chicken, cut into 8
5 kaffir lime leaves
3 stalks fresh lemon grass
3 tbsp tamarind juice or asam kandis juice
3 tbsp oil
750 ml water

10 green chilies
4 tbsp sliced shallots
2 tsp sliced ginger
2 tsp sliced turmeric
1 tbsp sliced galangal
1 1/2 tsp peppercorn
8 candle nuts

# Blend all ingredients in a) into paste. Put the paste in a pan. Add kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass and tamarind saute with oil until fragrant. Add chicken and stir thoroughly.
# Pour water, cook at low heat until the chicken becomes tender. Continue simmering until the sauce turns thick.
# Transfer to a serving dish and serve.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Grilled Chicken Balinese Style

1 Whole chicken (+/- 750 gram)
5 Tbsp oil
1 Tsp shrimp paste
1 tsp salt

Banana leaves/aluminum foil/ greased prove paper string


3 tbsp sliced shallots
2 tbsp sliced garlic
1/2 tbsp sliced capsicum
1 1/2 tbsp sliced red chilies
1 tsp sliced turmeric
1 tsp sliced kaempheria galanga
1 tsp sliced ginger
1 tsp sliced galangal
1 tsp pepper
salam leaves/ bay leaves
1 tbsp brown sugar

# Marinate chicken with mixture of shrimp paste, salt, and oil for 15 minutes.
# Blend all ingredients in a) into a paste and toss with salam leaves and brown sugar.
# stuff the inner of the chicken with the paste and close the opening with bamboo skewer.
# Wrap the stuffed chicken with banana leaves, tied up, steam for 15 minutes and grill at 180 degrees C for 30 minutes.
# Remove the wrapping and serve in a serving dish.